Live a Life of Peak Existence Dr. Matt Helm
Relationship Rich | Uncaged Man
Bringing love back into marriage
Walking with you to Freedom’s Edge
Living a Life of Peak Existence
The Yoga of Relationship and Sex
The Sacred Art of Intimacy
It is in awakening to your truth that you'll find your greatest freedom and wealth
Live a Life of Peak Existence Dr. Matt Helm
As a coach, guide, and mentor, I lead men, women, and couples to direct their energy towards Peak Existence and an extraordinary life of purpose and truthful presence around what matters most.
His mission is to set clients free from unhelpful patterns in their lives, allowing the sacred truth of who they are to attract the life, love, and intimacy they’ve been dreaming of.

Dr. Helm helps
his clients:
Attract the love of their lives and live their hearts deepest purpose
Heal trauma and dissolve stubborn, painful, emotions that keep them from attracting a healthy partner
Use Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence in their relationships
Develop an intimate relationship with themselves and grow their self-confidence and self-worth
Enjoy amazing and awakened sex
Enhance virility and sexual confidence
Learn about sacred sexuality and develop an understanding of their erotic nature
Consciously date and maintain conscious relationships
Develop masculine and feminine empowerment
Recover from divorce and breakups
Unlock new levels of intimacy through the discovery of their erotic blueprint

Matt's coaching transformed my entire way of being in powerful and playful ways. There are very few coaches who can blend the personal, transformational, spiritual, and business side of things so creatively and seamlessly. His conscious and accelerated evolution approach gently and powerfully lead to the unfolding of my deepest desires for health, relationship, and business achievement. My new business is alive - and I couldn't have done it without his masterful coaching!
- Dr. Christine Geith, CEO and Owner Joyfaring LLC