Conscious loving is within reach.

Becoming a Conscious Couple

Dr. Helm helps couples become more consciously in love through his belief that it is in our intimate relationships that we evolve and grow the most. He has spent his personal and professional life mining Western psychology and Eastern wisdom for knowledge of how relationships contribute to our growth and awaken us to our healing needs, highest selves, and full potential. When couples acknowledge their sacred connection, they can step into extraordinary evolutionary relationships that are full of love, mutual support, passionate romance, and amazing sex. 

Dr. Helm believes that for a couple to experience the profound sacredness of life through their relationship, they must heal the trauma and unhelpful patterns that create barriers to connection. As a skilled and experienced relationship coach, Dr. Helm teaches the following:

  • The processes of waking up, growing up and showing up fully expressed in your relationship.

  • Trauma informed Love

  • Compassionate and Conscious Love

  • Self Love and Self Mastery

  • Conscious Communication

  • Awakened Sexuality

  • Sacred Intimacy

Are you ready for a change?


"Spiritual partnership is about encouraging and supporting the unfolding of each other's soul’s reasons for being here on earth. It’s about being fully known by your partner. It is about learning to love through a commitment to the spiritual growth of your beloved."

- Dr. Matt Helm